Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's 0ur Christmas Eve!!! =)

Merry Christmas =)

A special day for all of us...
A wonderful christmas eve i had celebrated with my girls...
all of my girls came to my house to having a steamboat!
a lot of things happen..weeeee~
I started to miss all of you...
that day we having a sweet memories...
Althought I am tired to keep all the things after you guys back home...
yet I am late to go to the bed ...
but I am happy =D
countdown christmas with you all...
I'll never forget all of you!!!
love u all~muacks^^

after that day...
bad dream is coming...
I hope our friendship never end...
I felt like...I am proud because all of you...
We crazy,we eat,we sing together...
how fun it is?!
I hope we still can like that...but it's hard...
start from next year...all of you will gonna leave away from here...
all gonna study...
and meet new friends...maybe will be forgotten me also...=(
hope it wont happen lar...

Last hope...
we still can gathering together...
I hope 31th can countdown agains with all my beloved ^^

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