Saturday, January 3, 2009

Last day of holiday

Because of using my brother pc write, din have chinese star.... trying to use in english...
[but my english like shit,hope you guys can understand what i'm writing^^"]


Hate the school reopen~
damm hate...><
around of me,some of my friend was getting science class... getting sastera~
i'm thinking...


getting sastera...i'll become bad??
my classmate will don' t like to study???
always make disturbing when teacher teaching??
and many~


getting science...can I study well??[oh no,that was imposible for me!]
getting science...i'll more pressure...
if our english or science no good how to take science class?!!
all are using subjective,not objective again....
even sejarah also need write out...
reali not easy as from1,2,3....
and most of the student from science class are top student...
almost 5 till 8A student...
if getting science reali will make me faint@@

My sister is 1 of the science class student....
sometime she will study till midnite...
like xiao po...
tuition damm many...
rest time few...
sometime,she will wake up from sleeping....
then continue studying and revision...damm geli><
but her result not bad....
I saw her reference book of mt,fizik,bio n chem~
damm hard.....if i take science...not dare see my result><

All tuition was getting started...damm scare i'll study not well...
tell myself "more study,less playing"
hope i'll do it...don't just said it...
more concentrate...
I want take back my A from PMR...
little bit disspointed for my PMR result...damm...
I just know it...past of the 3 year,i playing more than studying...
start from now,I want take back what i have lost it...


Started from this year...when school reopen...
my dad was warning on me...before 11pm must on bed><
and most of the tuition time at afternoon,1 week 5day...i'll less online...faint@@
today was last holiday....sad...don't know why...i damm hate from4 life...
maybe is because 1 of my best friend study at BM le....


hope my from4 classmate will not so bad ba...
hope i'll taller XD my target 153cm to 157cm like that...[that's imposibleT^T]
hope from4 life will not so bored to me...
hope my result will improve more XD
hope my friend who at BM and KL wont forget me XD

erm...nothing to say le...
hope you guys will know what i'm writing ba^^"

[xiao po><']


Ryo Helmenkalastaja said...

Why i feel as though im the only one reading your blog? Haha, you din tell others yet ar?

Yuck.. i never thought of Form 4 as an over-stressed year. I just supposed that it'll be stressful, but not to a level where i have to wake up at night to do my revisions.

Oh well, i think MY online time would be less too next year..

Damn, i'm quite scared of Form 4.

Goodluck in achieving your hopes, and goodluck in Form 4, *winks* ;P

Yeong said...

wish you all the best in the future de two year oo...
Try the best la!!!
This is just the starting of your life nia la.

Zyee said...

thx XD
u guys too ya^^

1メ◎魅惑的王子メ◎KiyoshiOng said...

hahaha...jy jy!!!thinking our memories~~~so funny!!!

gud luck to u aunty!!

Zyee said...

wad lar><
sei uncle yzong><
we whr gt memories?!!
[for me all is bad memories me n u^^]