Saturday, April 17, 2010


this few days always keep busy...

17.4.10 ::Saturday::

That day early in the morning...
I was went to school helping da KRS for hari wawasan...
went there damm sien...felt like nth to do...
but still da okie la...hv some work for me to do so...
that day is the last year for me to celebrate hari wawasan...
started work...

* help help help*

alot of funny thing happen...haha...
work togethers with moon...zoie...hui min...and others...bored ><
here da some pictures....

ah moon spray da "KRS"

"xiao lang"= =ll

By the way...i saw ang cheng chooi using da camera!!!
CANON EOS *.*i wan T^T

18.4.10 ::Sunday::
Hari Wawasan

DAmm bo eng!!!
I helped sold da food...
but oso kept helped ate da food xD
beside our gerai...
always heard da LALA YONG shout"JI CHEONG FAN"@@

last year hari wawasan for me...
but nothing to do so> <

After finished school...
I went xin ying's house with other 3 friends...
we bath and ate at her house...
after that we went studio at lagenda there,
to practice dance for malam budaya 1...
but im going quit it...because I felt it wasting my time...
althought is last year at school...but the most important still da SPM ^^
sorry for my the way...I'll going to support u guys...=)
after finished dance...11 of us... went OLD TOWN for *yam cha*
long times din't eat at there..miss the coffee there...^^*quite nice*~~~
althought is abit quite expensive ~><~ haha~that days almost 12hrs din't back home...
luckly my mum din't scold at me ^^"

thx god!!!xD

ps:[going to upload da pictures at studio 1...]=)

you changed
but still the one.
maybe you neglect something else
but there is always a forgive for you without any reason
just that important.

friendship :)


Ryo Helmenkalastaja said...

Haha, EOS! <3

Zyee said...

RM2888now xD