Sunday, April 3, 2011

YoYo's Farewell Party

Time flies so fast
Few days ago pei ting call us attend her farewell's party at her home...

because she'll be going to Singapore for study nursing...
so...we'll attend her party at 8 o'clock somethings...
My man is coming to fetch me...
the most made me wanna to faint is he had forgotten the way come to my house...
so my sis fetch went to guard house 2 there to meet him...

well...around 8.30pm something we only going..
my man asked me whether knew how to go her house?
I answered him back"sure la,i also had went her house before"
well...after reached beng siew brain was jam for awhile==
because im not sure whether want straight go or turn left!
and started blame by him...><
shit!then i call pei ting as fast as possible
after she told me...and i got turn left...
after left then must straight but it's over ...
he said me again><
but never mind...because we reached ^^
but we reached on 9pm ...we're late!><
but im happy because he is belong with me =)

woohoo...a lot of friends attending...
especially our classmate 5A's friends meet again^^
that night a lot of things happen including i always said wrong things...
what I said???
I said "三年抱两,九年抱孙" = =ll
Guess what is their respond?
All of them laught at me!
including my mam also didn't help me T^T

around 11.30pm
we back...because my mum was scolding me==
others...they back at 12.30am...geng==
11.50pm reached home...
sweet home sweet home...

so night all =)

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