Monday, February 14, 2011

::Happy Valentine's Day::

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's a great day for those are couple...
Everyone is going to celebrate with their own bf or gf...
If you asking me how am i celebrate with him?
I'll answer you back..
Im staying at home celebrate with my pc><
haha...nevermind la...
still have a chance to celebrate...
Currently he is working to earn money for me xD

Well...nothing to do at home...
damm boring here...
suddenly i feel like want to edit some pictures...
so i took a lot of pictures from his fb...
and compare which 1 nice and suitable more...
hard to make a decision...
changed it again and again...
because seems like no wonder how i changed it...
it's still look weird>.<
but finally the result is like that...
I simply made it already...haha
I didn't put my own picture...
because all of my pictures so ugly!haha

When i looking for our pictures
i realize that our pictures less than 10...
although we hang out already few times...
nvm...I'll start to collect our pictures as a memory!

Yesterday u send me a 99roses picture for me...
although that is not for me...
but in my heart you already gave me..=)
I hope our love will never end...
No wonder how...promise each others
we'll not break up easily...k?=)
Nothing to write already..
By the way
Wish all of you Happy Valentine's Day!

Yao,Happy Valentine's Day<3

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