Sunday, May 2, 2010

Horrible + Terrible day

Going to write in english just because lazy taip in chinese...
Ok...well talk about today...
why I said is terrible day???
Just now afternoon I went training car second times together with Chia...
I remember 1st time learning is about 2 week ago...
I alredy forgotten how to changed gear or something...
Thn our agen call me learn 1st...
he was sitting beside me...
and started teach me what I learnt last time...
start going to Jalan Raya!!!
When want to out from jpj there....
Before the yellow line I should see it and break it!!!
But...i did'nt!!!Kena uncle said!!!Damn!!
Not just at all!!!
Not 1 times mati engin!!almost 5 times I think!!!
and I look at the back throught the many cars waiting at behind...
that bring me more stress and scare!!
and uncle just keep on told me do back yourself...
I don't know WHY I SO STUPID!!!So simply things I also can do it well!!!
Damn!!!That time don't know what I'm thinking of!!
I just keeps on scolding myself in myheart!!!
and keeps try to control myself to calm down...
I always slow a part!!
after that no problem...
but when arrive till traffic light behind the laguna there...
uncle just keeps on call me don't break and straight go and u-turn...
but what should i do???!!!
that time was green light!!!
my brain damn lost control...that time I really have da feeling want cries...
But I cant...I told myself...CALM DOWN agains...
after's ok...
second round...
agains drove on jalan raya...
that time better than first time...
after that...
turn my friend...Chia Chia drove on the road...
She better than me more...
she did'nt mati engin....but I have...
HOW TERRIBLE IM?!SO SUCK!!!>She also 2 rounds...
when waiting for her back..
I just sat at there waiting...
that time my mood totally going down at all...

When I loney waiting at there...
thinks about the people who always comfort me...
sms to him...and told him what kind of stupid things I did it just now...
he keeps on told me don't give up easly....
and somethings to raise me up...
thanks to him alot...
but till the end...I failed it...what he tried to urge me...
suddenly I felt...everything what should I done so "SAP PAI"><

after that...uncle need fetch others ppl bck...
then call a pak cik there(agen too)teach 2 of us the bukit...
started that time I felt scared because he is malay...
but he so with my agen>If I do somethings wrong,he did'nt pek cek or angry at all..
he will teach us nicely....thanks god...
I hope everytimes I learn...the people who sit beside that kind of ppl>he teachs me...I did'nt so stressful at all...I also wondering why???==
aiks...tuesday and thursday going to practice agains...

Damn tired now...just done my homework...
going to sleep....

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