Sunday, June 19, 2011

17-18.6.11 Beach =)

Sorry for the late post...
we came to the beach for celebrating wei yun's birthday.
After finished my class,I rushed back my home to prepare
I love walking at the's feeling good.

It's show time to play =)

We're playing the water while waiting for the birthday girl =)

Bff forever

Playing game at the beach

Took pictures with my Girls

Birthday girl-->Wei yun


Phaik ting



Natalie Sjing

Cutie Irene


Hao Zhe

Around 1am we only back from the Flamigo beach...
Reached their hostel...and taking shower...
around 3am...all of us was hungry...
and our big mummy--pegpeg shan and her bf
was fried the meat for us...
taste not bad to say....haha

Here have some pictures...
take a look ;)

He looks so funny xD

The next day...19.6.11
Around 12pm all of us only woke up ...
after that...we move to pragin mall to have a lunch...
steambot...that's our lunch...

Keep taking pictures there@@

Our "全家幅" =)

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