Saturday, February 7, 2009

Northern Lights over Yellow Knife Canada and a Fire Rainbow~

Ok well,this post im going used english...^^"
because lazy open chinese star....

Northern Lights over Yellow Knife Canada and a Fire Rainbow

Did't you have hear before??See before??The sky was in green,so natural and beauty... That not every year can see it~that all picture was capter by last month... waw~under cold there was><

Fire Rainbow This is a Fire Rainbow-The rarest of all naturally occurring Atmospheric Phenomena.The picture was captured last month on the IDA HO/WASHINGTON BORDER.The event lasted about 1 hour.

Clouds have to be cirrus,at least 20k feet in the air,with just the rightamount of ice crystals and the sun has to hit the clouds at precisely 58degree...hope you guys enjoying see that picture ya^^

~~~~The End~~~^^




H@ochuan said...

those picture really nice...but i knw u copy from some where because i read this b4 ........

Ryo Helmenkalastaja said...

yep, i read that before in an email

I'm Harloha :P said...

i see this very long ago liao lo..XD
ya!these pic really nice..
n also this all occur in nature de..

Zyee said...

hehe~u all so gao nia~i reali is get frm email 1^^see so nice ma post it lo^^hahaXD